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Han de Ronde, personal & team leadership coach

FVV_4826bklein"I have been fascinated during my whole life by talentdevelopment. To see the opportunity and grasp it to develop yourself further, to learn from a situation en to be able to make a next step. I practise this myself. That is why I have become a coach."

Han de Ronde (1951) is coach and loves to sail. "I enjoy speeding in my boat with large white sails continuously adapting to small changes in wind and water to make the boat glide seemingly effortless through the waves. That is also how I envision the coaching process: To support a coachee in his search to find the optimal route through the obstacles people find on their way. To ensure that they continue their career and life fully re-energized and with pleasure."

"My role as coach is to listen and to ask questions; easy solutions I cannot provide. The answers to all your questions are within you, my role is to make you conscious of these answers. My style is personal and empathetic, but sometimes also clear and confrontational. I have developed this style as a manager at  director level in an international environment, both in large multinationals as well as in small organizations. Additional study has given me the theoretical knowledge of coaching, and I have used and sharpened this knowledge while practicing during my 30-year career."

"I belief that people can develop the talents they have. Every person is capable of more than he believes himself. The role of the coach is to ensure that all the potential of an individual blossoms."

For sports coaching I have developed an interest for the application of the "Inner Game of Golf".

mandala Han

For working with the Lumina Spark  and Lumina Leader personal portrait I have been accredited by Lumina Learning.



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Online coaching

Due to the many restrictions,  caused by the Corona pandemy, the online coaching work has received an enormous boost. Both sessions with management teams as personal leadership coaching has yielded inspiring experiences.